Maria Malkenes Rustad
Deltaker ANSA Juvenarte 2025
Master i interiørarkitektur og design ved LISAA (L’Institut Supérieur des Arts Appliqués), Paris, Frankrike
Om kunstneren
Mitt navn er Maria Malkenes Rustad, jeg er 26 år og er født og oppvokst i Oslo. Jeg studerer for tiden master i Interiørarkitektur og Design på LISAA Paris.
Jeg drømte lenge om å bo og studere i Paris, og for fem år siden hoppet jeg i det. Siden da har jeg hatt en stor utvikling, både personlig og kreativt. Jeg designer med både fortiden og fremtiden i tankene, og er nysgjerrig på de historiske hendelsene og de menneskene som finnes bak et design eller kunstverk. Jeg blir inspirert av en rekke tidsperioder, både ekte og fiktive, samtidig som jeg har et stort fokus på bærekraft og å skape for fremtiden.

Pilar is both a functional and sculptural table lamp made from paper and wood. It is a reinterpretation of the classic chamberstick, which allowed people to easily carry a candle with them as they moved about after nightfall. Adapting this concept for contemporary living, Pilar is a lightweight, wireless lamp that moves seamlessly with you, and is able to serve different purposes throughout the evening — as an accent light, a reading lamp, or a bedside lamp.

Like a pillar of light it illuminates its surroundings in a soft glow, an effect obtained by the several layers of crêpe paper, which diffuses the light gradually both upwards and outwards from the base, creating a play of shadows and lights.

Pilar consists of three main parts: the lamp shade, the base and the wireless bulb. The lamp shade is made of 1 m of crêpe paper that has ben cut diagonally, creating a 3 cm difference between the inner and outermost layer. The paper is attached to the top of the base, and can be removed with a simple half-turn twist. This makes it easy to charge the lightbulb withouth touching the layers of delicate paper.
The base is made from wood and holds the lightbulb in place with a magnet, securing it in place when moving the lamp, while making it easy to take out the bulb to charge it.
The wireless bulb makes it possible to place the lamp on any suitable surface, without the limitation of being close to an electrical outlet. It is dimmable, which allows for different uses and impressions.